Welcome Aboard – Glad You’re Here!

Debt-freedom, homemaking, self-sufficiency, and storytelling will permeate the fabric of this lifestyle blog.  As we climb mountains and skip through meadows, all along the way we will cull wisdom and walk in the footsteps of those who’ve gone before us.  I’m inviting you to come along with me as we explore this adventurous path together.


It took me a really long time to muster up the courage to put myself out into the world.  I am by nature an introvert, but when it comes to topics I feel passionate about, well, I find it very difficult not to have an opinion.  I speak my truth by conveying my thoughts and feelings through the written word. It is my preferred mode of communication − hence, this Blog.


I welcome you to my space!  In this space, I get to share my life and my thoughts, and hopefully, I get to learn from you as well.  I have learned a great deal and have acquired a good deal of experiences along the way.  I will pass along the bits of insights that I’ve been fortunate enough to glean from many acquaintances, friends, and foes alike in the hope that it will help to improve your lives in some way, shape, or form.  Most importantly, however, it is my hope to make a positive contribution to the world.


I have been fortunate to have had many beautiful souls invest their time and resources in my life at one point or another, and I wish to do the same here.  I have had many knock-down, drawn-out conversations with friends and frenemies, and I have walked away from these discourses a better person for it all.  I am most grateful to my foes because, were it not for them, I would not have learned the most important and valuable lessons in life.  Great Sages say that our enemies often reflect our inner selves back to us, so if there are qualities you dislike in someone, chances are they are the same qualities that are resident in you.  Chew on that one for a while!


Take what I write with a grain of salt, a pound of salt, or no salt at all, or just take it at face value; however, giving consideration to a variety of views is what wise people do.  Even though wisdom and common sense are not aggregated in the mind of one person, it appears to be almost completely MIA in the collective consciousness of our very hypersensitive global family.  It is my hope that with a little tolerance and common sense, we can, as the human collective, overcome some of our intolerances and treat each other with more kindness and innerstanding.


I am blessed to live in a forest in Eatonville, Washington where my soul communes with nature.  I consider myself fortunate to be living at such a time as this.  We are blazing new trails in unknown territories, and I am hopeful that the lessons we have learned from past successes and failures are enough so that our present and future selves will continue to benefit from our collective wisdom.  There is still hope for us as a species.



My two greatest accomplishments in this world are my two gorgeous children.  Yes, I am truly biased, but it is my truth! I also have a beautiful fur baby, a Milk Chocolate Lab, who has become a cute and gentle “old soul.” 



Now that he retired at the ripe old age of 16, he has become more of a lover than the scrapper he once was − bless his heart!


I am not politically correct nor I do not believe in political correctness or censorship, but when it involves crimes against children, animals, and humanity at large – where are those boxing gloves?!


I believe in freedom of expression, freedom of thought, freedom of movement and freedom of choice as long as it doesn’t violate the prime directive of DO NO HARM, and I will stand up for your right to express yourself even if I disagree with you.   It is my fervent belief that we are One.  We are all family, and as such, LOVE, tolerance, and flexibility must be the currency through which we operate.   Each soul is sacred, created in the image of the One Infinite Creator, and deserving of respect.   In this new dispensation, there is no room for gross intolerance, ignorance, or hate.   LOVE one another as I love you is the divine mandate for all of humankind.   I fervently believe this, and I believe it’s time that we all step up to this calling.


I love to tell stories.   I write about my life, my experiences, my choices (good and bad − don’t judge me), and the world as I see it.   These are my opinions regardless of whether you agree or not.   You are free to disagree, and I look forward to seeing the world from your perspective, through your eyes, because, at the end of the day, variety is the spice of life, and I don’t want to live in a bland, low vibrational world – do you?


As I try to convey my messages in the clearest, most concise way possible, I will pull from my arsenal of pictures, videos, anecdotes, and quotes to try to tell my stories.   As a child, I found myself getting lost in my imagination – thinking of worlds unseen and imagining people and places not yet discovered.  Growing up is and has been very overrated.  As adults, we often miss opportunities to use our imaginations because of the demands of life.  Isn’t it high time we chart those territories again?


A bright and prosperous future is what I see for all of the hues of man (human) because kindness is still at the heart of man (mankind).  It’s achievable if each one reaches one in love and mutual respect.  More giving of ourselves is needed in this world!  Let’s create a more beautiful world together – a more tolerant one.  Let’s have neighborhood parties. Get to know your neighbor.  Let’s dance and let our hair down.  We owe it to ourselves to find ourselves because we are reflections of each other.  Spread love and random acts of kindness to build a gentler, kinder, more loving world.  


Gaia (Earth) is our planet.  She belongs to all of us.  It’s the place we all call home.   We’re all in it together, so let’s make the most of it!   Let’s allow love to reign supreme in every nook and cranny of this globe.  Let’s get to know each other all over again because we all have more in common than what meets the eye.  Shouldn’t we be our brothers’ (and sisters’) keepers?


I’m glad you’re here, and it is my hope that we will have some really great and robust conversations over a pint or two of ginger beer.   


With that said, WELCOME TO MY BLOG!


If you like what you’ve read so far, share it with your friends, families, and neighbors.  Save this website and visit often, or better yet,  get on my VIP list!  For friendly competition and/or a challenge, share it with your acquaintances.  If your heart can take it, share this post with your frenemies and maybe broken fences can be mended.


If you’d like to be notified as soon as my next post drop hot off the presses, GET ON MY VIP LIST and you’ll be the first to be in the know.  Good things come to those on my VIP list!


See you in my next post!

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