
Meet the face behind the posts!

Greetings & Welcome!
I Am Syl Marie.
We’re all told, “live your life to the fullest!”  Well I’m here to do just that.  Syl Marie serves as a vessel to project my passions, and clue in my loyal readers as to what inspires me in this crazy world – so sit back, relax, and read on.
I am a mom (best job ever!), a writer, and a serial entrepreneur.  I live in a forest in Eatonville, Washington.  I’m also a formulator of skin-loving and life-enhancing products.  In my spare time, I love to play in my garden (because being a grownup is so overrated!).  I love to read, cook, learn new things, and share my know-how with others.  I hope we can have some great conversations, so look around and enjoy, but don’t keep the goodness to yourself.  Share, share, and share some more because sharing is loving and caring.
Please feel free to reach out and introduce yourself.  Although life is busy, I will always carve out a little time just for you.
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Welcome to my Blog!
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